Do you have a unique idea or interesting content to share? You can submit your article to WikiBazz, and if our editorial team likes it, it could be featured on the front page for millions of readers to enjoy.

Article Submission Guidelines:

  1. Your article should be at least 1500 words long.
  2. It should be in the format of a list of 10 things, with the order going from #1 to #10.
  3. While not mandatory, you can include images or videos if you have them.
  4. Your content should not have been published on WikiBazz before.
  5. Ensure your article is factual, and if you use statistics or claims, provide references.
  6. Write in clear and error-free English.
  7. Your article should be unique and relevant to WikiBazz’s topic.
  8. Make sure your content is informative and engaging for our readers.
  9. Follow our editorial guidelines for formatting and style.
  10. Include your bio, headshot, and any relevant links you want in the post.

Benefits of Writing for WikiBazz:

  1. You will receive $5 for each published article.
  2. Your name will be mentioned as the author in every post.
  3. You have the opportunity to join our talented team of writers.

Payment Method: PayPal

Send your articles to [email protected] along with payment details.

Please note that once your article is published, WikiBazz will own the rights to it. No further copyright claims will be accepted.

Most Important: We do not accept spun articles, so please avoid content spinning.

Guest Blogging: Follow the same rules as mentioned above, with articles being over 1500 words.

To submit a guest blog, mention “Guest Blogging” in the subject and send your articles to [email protected]. Our editorial team will review your submission and inform you of its acceptance.

Please be aware that we do not accept articles on the following topics:

  • Casinos/Gambling
  • E-commerce sites selling explicit material, weapons, or drugs
  • Adult content
  • Content that promotes harm against individuals, groups, or organizations
  • Copyrighted material
  • Drug, alcohol, and tobacco-related content
  • Hacking and cracking content
  • Violent content
  • Weapon-related content
  • Other illegal content

You can expect a response to your query within 48 hours, and we do not entertain spun articles.